Monday, November 2, 2015

The 50th day is almost here!

November 2, 2015

What an amazing year we are having and it is flying by.  I can not believe the 50th day is almost here. There are many things happening in room 129.  We are hard a work on opinion writing. The students are working on what is their favorite part of Halloween.  We brainstormed things that we do during the Halloween season (boy, do they have some good ideas) and now they are using the OREO graphic organizer to help them organize their writing.  I hope to have their finished copy in a google document. Ask them to tell you about the OREO graphic organizer.
We spent a few weeks learning center routines and expectations so that guided reading time would run smoothly.  It was time well spent.  The students have been doing centers independently for the past two weeks and they have done a great job.  Center time is when I  teach guided reading groups and the students work independently.  They get to choose their center each day. Center work may not always be finished each day at the end of guided reading. When you see this work coming home, do not be alarmed. During center time I ask students to follow directions, work hard and do the best they can.
In math we are working on 2-d and 3-d shapes, counting to 120, teen numbers, subitizing,  telling time to the hour, complements of 10 and measurement.  They work hard each day to use math vocabulary and become efficient mathematicians.  We also do Math Wizards every other week and practice our math facts playing Math Wizard Travel. During calendar we are counting down the days to the 50th day which is next week on Thursday, November 12th.  They are so excited!  I hope to see a lot of students dressed up 50's style.  We will be comparing life in the 50's and now, doing math activities relating to the number 50, drawing and writing about what we will look like when we are 50 (can't wait to see these), celebrating in the gym with all the first grades doing the hand jive, hula hoops and bowling.  We will end the day making and tasting root beer floats.   They will even be making a hypothesis if the ice cream in the root beer float will sink or float.
In Social Studies we have begun learning about community helpers.  Thank you to all the parents who completed worksheet telling about your job.  We shared them all and they are now in a class book for all students to enjoy.
Chomebooks went home today with any student who completed the district Google forms and had a case for their chromebook.  Please be sure that chromebooks are fully charged and brought to school each day.
If your child is celebrating a birthday and you would like to send in a treat for their birthday, please make sure it is store bought.  Also, please contact me prior to sending food in, it helps the day run smoother.  Our snack time is in the afternoon, each day, around 1:30.  Also if you send in invitations for parties, please send one for each student in the class.  There are 23 students in the class. I can not send out invitations unless there  is one for each child.  This is to avoid hurt feelings for students who may not receive an invitation.  Thank you for your understanding.
The weather is getting cooler and sweatshirts are not always warm enough.  I know it is difficult to dress each day with New England weather, but please make sure they are dressed properly.  We go outside for recess whenever possible,since during the winter months we have to spend a lot of time indoors.
Last, but not least,  thank you for your help and support at home with homework.  We are partners in education.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Off to a Great Start

Our second week of school was great!  We began Student of the Day, and we are learning a lot about each other.  In writing, we are working on introductions and closings.  I am very proud of the work they are doing.  The students are sharing their writing with the class and are helping each other become better writers by doing Star, Star, Wish.  
In math,   we are working on subitizing dot cards and ten frames. Students  brought home ten frames to practice for homework each night.  We also are working on finding patterns on the 120 chart and counting to 120 from any number. 
Open house was a huge success.  I was happy to that so many families were able to attend.    Families were able  learn about our first grade classroom.  I know that that a lot of information was presented in a short amount of time. Please contact me if you have any questions about anything.  If you were unable to attend, I will be sending home the information with your child this week. 
Thank you all for your help and support at home.  I am so proud of the students!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Ear's What's Happening in Room 129

Sept. 4, 2015 
What a terrific bunch of firsties!  Our first week was a great success.  We did not have any tears and on the first day everyone had lunch and got home safely.  That is a HUGE success. 
We spent most of the week working on routines, routines, routines and expectations.   In four days, they earned 8 Hi-Five dollars for compliments they received while walking in the hallway!!! That is amazing.   They will be able to trade in their Hi-Five dollars and earn coupons for prizes.  They are excited about that and there is still plenty of time to earn more Hi-Five dollars.
Next week we have Open House on Thursday, September 10th.  We will spend time next week getting ready to share with parents the many things that are and will be going on in our classroom. This is going to be a great year!

August 31, 2015
Welcome to room 129. We are going to have a 'wand"erful year. I am so excited to start this new school year and also to be starting a blog to keep students and families informed to "ear" what's happening in room 129. If you have not been able to tell, I am a Disney fanatic! My entire family loves Disney and last year I decided to bring it to my classroom. It brings a smile to my face each day to see the castle as I enter my room and see the many Disney characters throughout the classroom.Of course, seeing all my wonderful firsties, brings a smile to my face each day too.
Tomorrow I am looking forward to meeting all my firsties with their smiling faces, and new school clothes. It is such an exciting day, although I know I will have nightmares tonight. I have been having them for the past week, which is part of my back to school ritual. 
Each student received a welcome letter letting them know how excited I am to meet them, a supply list for room 129, and a How Will I Get Home form for parents to complete to make getting home a LOT less stressful. I started sending this form home with my welcome letter last year and it has significantly lowered my stress level on day one. I do not have to spend my prep scrambling to find out how my students are going to get home. We all know that a good first day consists of everyone getting a lunch and getting home safely. When that happens, we are off to a great start!